GNCA members will be saddened by the news that our former President, friend, and colleague Margaret Fanning died last Sunday 23 February. Margaret was the GNCA’s inaugural President, elected at our first meeting in November 2000, and held the position in many subsequent years. The GNCA extends its most sincere sympathies to Margaret’s partner and family.

The residents of Griffith and Narrabundah owe Margaret a great debt. Some of you might recall the issue that sparked the formation of the GNCA was the need to save Section 78, now known as Blaxland Park, from development for housing. A battle that we won under Margaret’s leadership, in helping establish the GNCA, and maintaining pressure on the Government for years. But she saw the Government finally accept that Blaxland Park could not be developed, and only a Community Facility could be developed on the site of the O’Connell Education Centre (where Baptist Care now is). She was indeed a legend, and will be greatly missed.

Margaret spoke at the GNCA’s 20th anniversary AGM in October 2020.

A celebration of her life, contribution to her family, local community and Australia will be planned for a few weeks’ time in Canberra.