Folk in the Oaks

The Oaks Estate Residents Association would welcome your attendance at the ‘Folk in the Oaks’ event on Sunday 28 July from 2pm at the Oaks Estate Community Hall.

The Legislative Assembly Committee STANDING COMMITTEE ON PLANNING, TRANSPORT AND CITY SERVICES and ACT Government fails Inner South Residents on the Eastlake Precinct

The Legislative Assembly Committee has decided not to review the first major amendment to the Territory Plan involving Eastlake.  Here is their response to our request.

ACT Government update on Throsby Crescent Retarding Basin (behind Griffith Shops)

The GNCA has received this update from the ACT Government. In the accompanying email from Tim Norton, Project Manager, Infrastructure delivery, TCCS, it was noted that whilst the initial TCCS project had intentions of constructing a new playground before removing the old one, this is now no longer practical, and …

RZ1 dual occupancies

Recent mapping shows that the RZ1 dual occupancy policy will not achieve the desired infill. The ACT Government‘s 2023 planning changes allow secondary dwellings of less than 120 square meters on RZ1 blocks greater than 800sqm. The GNCA welcomes the work of a concerned Canberra resident on interactive maps that reflect …